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Our Major Products are
Optics and Optomechanical components.
Manual and Motorized Precision Positioning Stages and their controllers.
Vibration Free Table, Breadboards, Laminar Flow stations. Faraday Cage .
Micromanipulators, Micro Injection and Patch Clamping systems
Light Sources ( Xe, Hg, Halogen etc)
About MDT
Materials Devices and Technologies (MDT) Inc. was incorporated in the State of California , United States of America in the year 2004, with equal partnership from the US and Indian promoters . Primary aim of MDT Inc. is to provide one stop shop for research and industry for their requirements for equipment, components , materials , technologies and accessories . We do our best to simplify sales process so our customers devote their precious time for doing their main job. We undertake to find suitable products and best price for all our clients. We source our products from U.S., Europe, China , Russia and India.


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